Some time ago I mentioned the new 5e campaign I'm running, which was designed as sort of me foray into what might be called "old school" 5e. Another time I'll wax philosophical about why 5e really isn't a game to be played "old school", but for now I wanted to follow up on a request to post some of the initial encounters of the adventure, and my attempts to play the game with a "classical" element woven in. So I'll be publishing some of my homemade maps and notes to give you an idea of what I threw together as well as how play went through each phase of the campaign.
First, you may or may not recall, I'm playing with my two older teenage daughter and son, my ten year old daughter and a family friend in his mid twenties. We play each Sunday afternoon for about a three to four hour session at the kitchen table. All players have played before except our family friend, who is now of course hooked for life on D&D, and gaming generally. The campaign started with a fifth player, teenage nephew, but he lives in California, so can only join us When he's visiting. The roster of characters were:
Rogar, Dragonborn Ranger from the Western Outlands.
Calie a female Tiefling Monk struggling to bring her chaotic urges under control
Bones SkullSplitter, the Dwarven fighter
Kiedis the half-org bard who made his way through life compensating for his looks and parentage by way of entertainment and storytelling
And, Adrya the half elven Sorceress of Copper Dragon bloodline
Arbor Dale
Before we can get quite underway, we have to step back a bit and frame the campaign against its backdrop. In fact, an understanding of the realms round about is critical to the overarching direction of the campaign as a whole. And the immediate backdrop is the Kingdom of ArborDale.
The Idyllic and romantic gem of the outer provinces is
the small but legendary kingdom of ArborDale. The Legends say ArborDale was
blessed by the goodwill of the Gods and tended by the Druids, like a garden of
solace from the world. The
actual city of ArborDale hosts legendary Castle ArborDale and is presided over
by the beneficent Fawn King and his beautiful Queen Serienne. The most
noteworthy natural feature in ArborDale is the vast and kingly Oakwood roughly
divided into the Upper and Lower Oakwood separated by the wide blue EverRun
River. The Amber Wood embraces the kingdom’s eastern borders, filled with the
beautiful amber trees, their golden green leaves making the large wood glisten
like a jewel of Amber. The Amberwood is said to be the home of the Golden
Dragon Hedrimyr in legend, and is tended by his followers, the golden skin Dawn
Elves though none of seen such a creature, let alone the legendary wyrm itself.
To the
south lie the cooler and wet lands of The Bogs. A vast swampy area, more like a sprawling shallow lake filled with ancient Cypress trees. These massive trees fill the northern
portion of the area and the give the name Featherwood to that region, a token
to the feathery like needles of those giant trees. Further south yet, the
Feather Wood gives way to the WetWood, aptly named for its almost constant
presence of dark green waters that carpet the forest floor. Drapery Moss hangs
heavy throughout the forest here and though the sight is one of striking if
strange beauty, weird and fell creatures are said to make their homes here. The
Cat River and its thousand tributaries feed this huge area and is home to the
legendary giant CatFish that some brave fisherman hunt for a living.
In the
heart of the Dale hidden within these forested regions as if by an arbor lies
the city of ArborDale. More like a large town, ArborDale boasts almost 20,000 citizens
if the surrounding farms and landholdings are included in the population count.
Mostly forest folk, lumbermen, foresters, farmers, hunters, and fishermen the
Dale is a rich and bountiful area. Though over 90% human some 2,000 or so demi-humans make their homes
here as well. The majority are halflings that live in the rolling plains to the
northeast of ArborDale along the HighRoad Shires.
My first sketch of ArborDale, long before the Campaign came together |
Now, what the characters don't know alot about is the more ancient history of the times before ArborDale. Most of the citizens of the Kingdom of Arbor Dale doesn't know the long ago histories as anything more than fairy tale legends, more distant than the fanciful tales of Herimyr the Golden Dragon of the East, or the Silver-Maned Unicorn said to be protector of the great Western OakWood. The Kingdom of ArborDale is one of the western-most kingdoms of what are commonly called The Outlands.
The Outland Kingdoms are what remains from the frontier of a
great Empire that defined the height of human civilization long ago. The Empire long ago
fell apart and several kingdoms arose in its stead. The Empire had established a
peace and prosperity that had not existed previously in these once wild regions at the borders of civilization and so these lands now had enough stability and peace to arise and establish
themselves in the wake of the waning Empire. The originally benign Emperor had
established an extensive chivalric court, an extensive network of monasteries
that in turn established a collegiate system for the education of the masses
and generally raised the literacy and wealth of the common folk as well as
allow for the development of a thriving middle class.
A subsequent sketch roughing in the Outland Kingdoms |
Upon this structure and order rose the basis of many subsequent kingdoms, the focus on our campaign being the Outland Kingdoms and specifically ArborDale. Most of the above ancient history (circa 500 years before present) is remembered as the Golden Age, and the Empire as the Golden Empire or at times the Eastern Empire. It is thought to be a time of great political, philosophical, religious and magical wonders and advancement. Most of what is good, noble and worthy of trying to achieve again is, in the Outland Kingdoms, generally seen reflected in the long ago history of the Golden Age of Empire. It was a time seen when the Gods routinely talked to their priests and priestesses directly guiding the path of the world's history; a time when the ArchMages walked the earth, immortal, cosmically powerful and almost Gods themselves. The truth of the matter is lost to the knowledge of men, and the little sage historians know seems to tell a far stranger tale.
But these tales live far in the past. As does the dim, dark memory of a sinister figure called The Skull King, Prophet of Death. History has done much to obscure the tale, but the Skull King is rumored to have been a rebel prince who broke from the Empire, pursuing dark magics to attempt to kill the Emporer and overthrow the Empire. His evil was seen to be so great and deep that he did not desire to simply take over the Empire, but abolish it utterly. The legends speak of a Champion of the Emperor, some say the Emperor himself, who faced and defeated the Necromancer, chasing him deep into the belly of the World and through it to other worlds and dimensions of Time. The myths, for they are seen as such by many, and some say the Skull King was a long ago fallen God of Evil conquered by the Golden Light of the Empire, and a metaphor for men to conquer the evil in themselves in order to bring about the Golden Age again.
Just how these ancient tales fit into our day and the current Campaign of ArborDale remains a mystery to our characters and most within the current story-arch. As are lands beyond ArborDale, which I continue to detail, but do not pertain directly to the current campaign.
The adventure map of ArborDale |
To keep these entries manageable, I'll detail the encounter areas and adventure hook along with initial NPCs next time. This first part of the adventure went quite well, something I can't say for the second leg.