
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Struggle is Real


I've been bouncing around lately. I do that alot.

I can't seem to scratch my AD&D itch. 

Stuck playing an edition I'm not fond of, with players who don't want to change. 

Wanting instead to find players who, like me, really want to play what I want to play. The online/virtual groups are beginning to seem like the only viable option for me. Not ideal. I've done it before, and it's not exactly my cup of tea. There's just something about us all being around the table, playing with actual books instead of phones and laptops. 

GrogTalk has been a huge boon for me. This great podcast is about my only relief. And I know they have facilitated numerous virtual games and groups since their inception. So that's probably where I'll head. By the way if you are an AD&D gamer or are interested, you should really check out their site or their YouTube channel

The fact is I live in a small rural community 3 hours from any city of considerable size. There are a couple of towns nearby, two to be exact. Both under 10,000 people. There are people who play, but none who are into 1e. I came close to finding a group in one town nearby, but we ended up settling on 3rd edition/PF, and it didn't last long. To be truthful, I was part of the problem. honestly, I wasn't thrilled about 3e, and things got really busy at work. Long ago, there were some guys playing 2e, but they were not at all my style. Their play was salacious to say the least. And that is about the sum of my ability to connect with players here locally. The last time I played 1e as in the club I ran some 10 years ago when I put my foot down and said OSRIC or nothing. 

So, I've been bouncing around alot. Pulled out DCC RPG, C&C, BFRPG, and some others to see if maybe I could more easily start with those. But it was just a thought experiment. The fact is that I am an AD&D gamer. I just can't seem to summon the kind of game I want to play. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally get it. Having been gaming purely online the last couple years and finally getting to do some in person gaming again(though only with 1 player so far) I can definitely say in person is 1000 times better. However, having said that, I realized a long time ago that no game is better than a bad game. So if you're not enjoying it, don't feel like you have to keep playing. In the modern era online play does provide that option to play what we want with who we want, though inevitably something is lost through the medium.
